2005, Personal

Almost had my first major accident…

I guess I can’t say first accident since I did drove into a snow bank last winter…

So, I just dropped my dad off at the airport. I’m entering the 401 collectors and I’m wanting to stay in them so that I can exit onto the 403 (you know, at that weird exit that only advertises the 403 in addition to the 410 at the last moment) to come back to Hamilton.

So a bunch of us are in the right lane. I merge into the next lane to my left when I see that my lane is ending. So does the guy in front of me. I merged in front of two other cars that were well back of me (at the time). The guy ahead of the car ahead of me apparently does not merge.

We’re going 110 or 115 or so. Not like regular 401 speeds, because we all just got on the highway. The guys behind me are going faster cuz they catch up fast. There are five cars with me in the middle. The first car still hasn’t exited his ending lane (but I haven’t noticed, I’m looking for the 410 sign and seeing if I can get over to the next lane). We’re all in this new right lane except for the first car. He starts driving on the shoulder (I think I still hadn’t noticed) which is dwindling so he… PUTS ON HIS BREAKS!!! Instead of racing ahead of the guy to his back left, he slams on his breaks with his left signal light on. The guy behind him (directly in front of me) PUTS ON HIS BREAKS!!! too. I don’t know what this guy’s doing. I guess he’s letting the guy in front of him in. But we’re on the fucking 401 here. Both cars ahead of me (the guy on the shoulder and the guy in my lane directly in front of me) come to a complete stop as I’m slamming on my breaks as hard as I possibly can. I don’t know how I didn’t hit this guy. Seriously, it must have been inches. I was on top of him. The guy behind me is on top of me. Seriously, I can’t see his hood at all. The last guy looks equally close to him. But there was no collision. Nothing got even bumped. But we were all still for a moment until the guy on the shoulder pulled on to the road and drove SLOWLY away. We all passed him soon (he must have been going 70 after that…). So that was pretty crazy. I do not know how I stopped in time. Honestly. I have no idea. That was soooooooo close. Fucking morons. What are they doing stopping on the highway???

Wow, that was crazy. My heart was pounding for like half the trip back here.

Be seeing you.

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