2010, Personal


So, we just got our new students at work. We get students every summer. They help us out. It is a good thing. Some of them have worked with us before, others not.

Sometime last week (I don’t remember what day) one of the new students said hello to me as if she knew me. I couldn’t place her. I figured she must have helped my department a day or two last summer. I really had no idea who she was but I figured that was a reasonable explanation. I think I smiled back a little (I can’t see my face after all) and I motioned for her to go ahead of me.

Every night we go through a process of quality control. This quality control takes place next to this girl’s desk. The other day I am doing the quality control when I glance at her name plate (or whatever we call these things at desks). I look at her name. I think “I dated a girl with that name a couple years ago.”

At first I didn’t believe it. She looks nothing like I remember her. Nothing. I really don’t see it. Her hair is way way lighter than I remember it, but I swear she’s taller (which is impossible).

Now, I had only seen this girl four times over an approximately five month period a couple years ago, but seriously: how could I not place her?

Now, I had reason to believe I would never be working in the same place as her since she was on a career track when we briefly attempted to go out, so that’s something – I would have subconsciously ruled out the possibility I think – but I still feel terrible for not knowing who she was. Now I feel really awkward about it. I can’t really say “oh sorry I had no idea who you were” because that would probably hurt her feelings. So I’m being insanely passive aggressive about it and blogging it. That’s the way to do it!


Is my memory really that bad? I thought I had a visual memory – though not with faces necessarily, for some odd reason possibly involving the fact that I used to not wear glasses when I need them… Anyway, I suck.

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