Politics, Society

The US Census

I’ve been spending a lot time watching the Madness over the last few days and I’ve noticed something: embedded PSAs for the US Census.

In these PSAs, the broadcasters would tell us – presumably the audience is American – to fill out the census and to remember to mail it back. Then a little icon would pop up on the screen saying “2010 US Census” as another supposedly friendly reminder.

Well, I don’t think we should take it. Why does the government need us to send in this information? They already know everything about us through our ID cards, cellular phones, and what not; how could they possibly need to know anything else? I think this is too much power for the government to have. The government supposedly exists to protect us, so why do they need us to fill out these forms? We should be protected regardless of whether they have our private information or not. The census is a breach of privacy, it is an infringement of our liberties, and it is a terrible abuse of power by the federal government. And that’s not to mention the sheer cost of it! Can you imagine how much it costs to print off over 300,000,000 of these forms and provide postage both ways?!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is just the beginning. The next thing you know, we will be asked to give an accounting of our internal organs. The census is dangerous. It leads down the road to bigger more dangerous government.

You know who used censuses (censi?)? Hitler! And Stalin! And probably Mao! That’s right: Fascism! Communism! And probably an even worse form of communism!

Whatever you do, don’t fill out your census. Burn it! Show them that you’re mad as hell and not going to take it any more.

Live free or die!


  1. Jesus! I was totally being sarcastic. It was a way too quick and un-thought out parody of people like Glenn Beck…Holy Libertarian Batman.

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