2019, Music

Future Overhead (2019) by Tim Baker

I have heard the band name Hey Rosetta! before. But I’m really unsure if I’ve ever heard any of their music. I really don’t think so but if you played their singles for me, I’d probably recognize one or two simply because it looks like they’ve been in the Canadian ether. But right now, listening to the debut album of their primary songwriter, I can say I have no idea what they sound like.

This is a mix of chamber pop, folk and music that has the kind of energy I associate with “indie” music but not necessarily the instruments to call it indie rock or indie pop.

Baker’s songs are good. They’re not necessarily excellent – I’m not sure there’s one that really, really stands out to me – but they are pretty strong and it doesn’t really feel like there’s a weak one that is noticeably below the quality of the others.

The arrangements are a little all-over-the-place for something deemed “chamber pop.” I’d say more than a few songs don’t really fit in that genre but then multiple absolutely do. I’d say they exist on a spectrum between chamber pop and indie folk. I feel like I’ve been listening to a few of these records lately, where the singer songwriter indulges in both genres, occasionally flirting with other styles. The variation makes for an engaging listen and it never feels schizophrenic. Baker has command of both styles and uses various instrumental combinations to make the music significantly more interesting than if he had just recorded these songs by himself or with a conventional rock band backing him.

I don’t have strong feelings about the production. It sounds like numerous other 21st century singer-songwriter records I’ve heard. I don’t mean that as a criticism or a compliment. It works. It does its job.

So this is pretty good. I’m not sure it’s good enough to make me want to check out his band, but it’s pretty good.


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